La planificació de l’estatus i de l’adquisició del català al Principat d’Andorra: anàlisi qualitativa de discursos dels gestors de les polítiques lingüístiques




Andorra, Catalan, language policy, status planning, acquisition planning, migrant, public administration, nation-building, transnationalism


This article presents a qualitative analysis of a sample of discourses on status and language acquisition planning in the Principality of Andorra. After a presentation of the demographic and legal contexts of languages in Andorra, as well as the qualitative research methods carried out, the results of the study are presented. Among the most relevant, it is worth highlighting the perception of Catalan as a language whose use is not widespread despite being the only official language of the country. This phenomenon is even observed in language uses in public administration. The other important result is the need to implement better strategies to encourage migrant people to learn Catalan. According to participants in the fieldwork, the State should put more effort into making Catalan the common language of the whole society because this will contribute to the country’s nation-building.






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