L'adquisició i l'ensenyament dels usos del passat: anàlisi de manuals de català com a segona llengua
Summary: This article deals with the relationship between results in second language (L2) acquisition research with respect to the acquisition of the uses of perfective and imperfective forms and the contents of L2 Catalan language textbooks. The first section of the article reviews the theoretical approaches and the results of studies on the acquisition and teaching of L2 past forms. The second section analyzes four L2 Catalan textbooks in order to examine whether the findings from research are integrated or not. The results show that textbooks differ significantly in how they present the forms and uses of the past and that, in general, results from language acquisition and teaching research are not taken into account. [Keywords: acquisition of tense and aspect; textbooks; second language acquisition; language teaching; Catalan]
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