Der "II. Congrés Internacional de la Llengua Catalana" von 1986: Pro und Contra
The author, president of the II International Congress on Catalan Language held in 1986, presents his evaluation of this event that brought together about 17,000 linguists and congressmen, interested in the future of the Catalan linguistic community. He compares this congress and the first one, which took place in 1906, reaching, in many respects, a more positive conclusion for the first congress. Badia i Margarit discusses the reluctance that prevented some Catalan linguists from actively participating in the great effort to, once again, mobilize a public opinion for the language. The author highlights, however, the valuable contributions of the many participants in the positive attitudes of many social sectors which, together with the proposed policy measures, can contribute to making the congress a further stage in the process of linguistic normalization.
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