Problemes de la representació verbal en els diccionaris bilingües català-alemany-català des del punt de vista de l'aprenentatge
Summary: In this contribution we analyze some modern bilingual Catalan-GermanCatalan dictionaries from the point of view of language learning. In particular, we concentrate on verbs that for different reasons are problematic, among them motion verbs. Verbs are the center of the phrase, they are the most polysemic lexical units and their use in many cases depends on additional information, such as, in German, the position of the speaker. Thus, we analyze which information is given and how it is codified, the differences and contradictions of systematization and presentation, and whether the given information allows the students to arrive to acceptable solutions in the foreign language. [Keywords: Verb representation; bilingual lexicography; language learning; information codification; motion verbs]
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