Tradició i modernitat en el llenguatge dels llibrets de falla de les primeres dècades del segle XX


  • Joaquim Martí Mestre València



Summary: During the first quarter of the 20th century, Valencian writers showed increasing interest in developing a correct orthographical and linguistic model, free from castilianisms, both for formal literature and for popular genres. Traditionally, researchers have insisted mostly on the orthographical influence from the Spanish language in the Fallas books. The researchers thought that even the authors of the Catalan formal literature, when writing the Fallas texts, adopted the Spanish orthographic model. With this work we find, however, that many writers of Fallas books, some engaged in other Valencian literary and cultural activities, were striving to use also in the Fallas books a correct language. The Fallas books, because of the popular character of the genre, are of great lexicographical interest for the study of colloquialisms, dialectalisms and neologisms linked to the social changes of the 20th century. Also, because traditionally they have not been taken into account by lexicographers, the Fallas books offer words and meanings not registered in the historical and etymological dictionaries. Keywords: orthography, lexicon, 20th century, Fallas books, history of the Catalan language





