Comparació interdialectal al segle XIX. "Las joyas de la Roser / Les choyes de Roseta"
Summary: The linguistic contrast of Leandre Torromé’s Valencian version (1874) of the play of Frederic Soler Las joyas de Roser (3ª ed. 1872) allows us to carry out a dialectal comparison between the Central Catalan and the Valencian varieties in the second half of the 19th century, from which the interesting variation of the language at that time becomes obvious. We study the most distinguished aspects of morphology, syntax and, especially, the lexicon of both versions, comparing the forms with those of other contemporary and previous texts and dictionaries, and adding comments of interest for the history of the Catalan language, as well as new data that complement and specify the information of the historical dictionaries. [Keywords: History of the lexicon; historical grammar; dialectal contrast; 19th century]
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