Dislocació a la dreta en català: èmfasi
right dislocation, Catalan, emphasis, monotonicity, focus-final languageAbstract
In this paper we will address some topics related to the right dislocation (RD) phenomenon, based on evidence from Catalan. First, we will analyze contextual and semantic restrictions on the antecedent of RD. On contextual restrictions, it will be proposed that the properties suggested in former research that RD antecedents must fulfill regarding accessibility (local, non-local, or inferable) exhaust all possibilities, and hence there is no restriction on the accessibility of the antecedent. On the semantic side, we will check out two possible relations (monotonicity and bridging) between the RD constituent and its antecedent. Next, we try to address the interpretative role of RD, where emphasis will be introduced as a general property of all RD. And finally, it will be argued that in a focus-final language, a non-final focus is emphatic.
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