Descripció fraseològica a partir de l'anàlisi basada en un corpus paral·lel: possibilitats, límits i una proposta
Summary: The use of monolingual corpora in lexicography is now common practice. However, when creating bilingual dictionaries, the question arises to what extent parallel corpora could be sources to be taken into account. It can be assumed that this kind of corpora could provide possible contextualized lexical correspondences, if the corpora were large enough. Their use could point to problems of interlingual asymmetry, which have not always received the necessary attention in traditional lexicography. I present interlingual and context-motivated problems, which were found in the analysis of German idioms and their Catalan translation using a parallel corpus. [Keywords: parallel corpus, phraseology, interlingual asymmetries, bilingual lexicography, electronic dictionary]
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