El lèxic del "Libre de caça" en el DCVB
Summary: The Libre de caça is a manuscript written in Catalan probably towards the end of the 15th century. This technical text compiles hunting, ornithological and medical information, as the falconers needed to have some special knowledge in order to care for the birds. From a linguistic point of view, this text provides a significant lexical corpus mainly related to the semantic field of falconry: types of birds, anatomy of the animals, botany, symptoms and remedies for some illnesses, etc. This article analyses a lexical sub-corpus from this Libre de caça which appears in the Catalan-Valencian-Balearic Dictionary, since for this work a comprehensive selection of this historic manual had been carried out, and we offer a proposal for a classification of the studied words into: hapax legomena, new denotations and newly documented entries. [Keywords: Lexicology; falconry; Medieval Catalan; Catalan-ValencianBalearic Dictionary]
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