Les novel·les morisques de Rafael Escobar
Though the Moriscs lived together with the Christians for more than fivehundred years, they are seldom taken into consideration by the modern Catalan literature. Only with the appearance of the so-called Valencian boom of the novel in the seventies comes a repeated treatment of Morisc matters in Catalan literature, especially in the territories where they had once settled – València and the valley of the Ebre. In the tragic destiny of the Moriscs, which ends in exile and in the destruction of their culture and language by the Christians, one sees the situation of the Catalan nation as reflected in a mirror, especially in the Valencian Country. This is shown in all detail in two novels by Rafael Escobar. Keywords: Catalan literature, novel, Land of València, Morisc history, Moors and Christians , exile, Rafael Escobar.
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