L'"Spill" de Jaume Roig, de Mestre Grau a 'Sir' Joan Fuster i "Lopus-Rodó"?
The aim of this article is to examine the literary after-effects of the style of Jaume Roig's Spill, starting from a critical reading of three texts that are chronologically far removed from the Spill: the Breu descripció dels mestres que anaren a besar les mans a sa magestat del Rey don Phelip al Real de la ciutat de València, a 8 de febrer, 1586, by Gaspar Guerau de
Montmajor, the Visita de Carles Riba a València (1957) by Joan Fuster and the verses of the Regiment de la cosa pública by Francesc Vallverdu. Based on this selection of texts, we will
investigate the reasons for the tonal adaptability of Jaume Roig's verses as well as their sarcastic effect and the grotesque distortion that these effects allow.
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