Editorial Team

The journal is edited by Dr. Jonas Pfister (University of Innsbruck, Austria) and Prof. Dr. Philipp Richter (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany), supported by an editorial board of international experts to secure high academic standard and quality in research articles. Articles are published after double blind peer review by CC BY License. Access to all articles is free and there are no fees for publishing.

For publication and journal management, we use the Open Journal Systems (OJS) developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and hosted by the University Library of Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum.

If you have any questions about the journal or process of peer review, please get in touch with the editors: pfister.jonas AT gmail DOT com and/or philipp.richter AT rub DOT de

Editorial Board of the Journal of Didactics of Philosophy

Ricardo Guttierez Aguilar
(University of Alcala, Spain)

Anne Burkard
(University of Goettingen, Germany)

Beate Børresen
(Oslo Metropolitain University, Norway)

Bruno Curko
(University of Split, Croatia)

Julia Dietrich
(Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany)

Klaus Feldmann
(University of Wuppertal, Germany)

Andreas Gelhard
(University of Leipzig, Germany)

Thor Steinar Grødal
(Foss High School Oslo, Norway)

Eric Gustafsson
(Upplands-Brogymnasiet, Sweden)

Shinji Kajitani
(University of Tokyo, Japan)

Edward Kanterian
(University of Kent, UK)

Jens Kertscher
(Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)

Minkyung Kim
(Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany)

Helge Kminek
(Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt a.M., Germany)

Ivan Kolev
(Sofia University, Bulgaria)

Leo Luks
(Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia)

Annika von Lüpke
(University of Koblenz, Germany)

Kirsten Meyer
(Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany)

Dirk Oosthoek
(Leiden University, Netherlands)

Attila Pato
(University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)

Donata Romizi
(University of Vienna, Austria)

Luca Maria Scarantino
(EHESS Paris, France/IULM University Milan, Italy)

Gisele Secco
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil)

Marjan Simenc
(University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Christian Thein
(University of Muenster, Germany)

Silvia Tonti
(Study Seminar for High Schools in Darmstadt, Germany)

René Torkler
(University of Kiel, Germany)

Floris Velema
(Leiden University/Wolfert Bilingual School Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Peter Zimmermann
(University of Fribourg, Switzerland)