Noucentisme i cinema còmic


  • Teresa Iribarren Barcelona



Summary: According to the studies of the history of Catalan literature, the publishing of L’abrandament, by Carles Soldevila, in 1918 represents a turning point in the literary context of the Noucentisme: it is the beginning of a new novel resumption. The work by Soldevila is preceded by the famous prologue signed by the poet Josep Carner, a piece in which he urges Catalan writers to cultivate the genre that had previously been banned by the noucentista establishment: the novel. Our goal is to make an exegesis of the nouvelle from the film scope, as a complement to the canonical interpretation made through the noucentist aesthetics. By the close reading of L’abrandament we try to show that the cinephile Soldevila was inspired by silent films when he conceived his narrative piece. Built like a string of sequences, articulated according to the codes of the animated image, and starring a character of film nature – very similar to the comic actor Max Linder–, this piece is one of the first literary transfers of the screen to the high Catalan culture. [Keywords: Noucentisme, Catalan novel, comic cinema, Carles Soldevila, Josep Carner, Max Linder, humor]






Literature and Culture