Directoras de cine en Cataluña: Un recorrido histórico


  • María Camí-Vela Wilmington



Summary: In Catalonia, like in other nations, the incorporation of women directors into the film industry was slow and the number small, with the aggravating situation in Catalan society of forty years of a dictatorship that kept women relegated to the domestic sphere. It is not until the late 80s and during the 90s that a new generation of women directors occupy with their cameras the streets of Barcelona, initiating a creative journey of self-discovering, and creating a cinematic gendered urban space that rejects patriarchal power relations and hegemonic concepts of national and sexual identities, while they give voice to new identities; new subjectsminorities-communities that, like them, started being visible in post-Franco Catalonia. Some directors contextualize their narratives with the construction of a cinematic gaze based on a negotiation with the Other marginal subject. Other filmmakers explore the formation-representation of the city image and its significance in the context of state terrorism and the relation between Catalonia and Spain. The directors and their films contribute to the critical analysis, of city and space, of modernity and gender, of history and memory, and the imposed transformation of the city of Barcelona by globalization. [Keywords: Women directors; Catalonia; Barcelona; cinematic gaze; city image; space]




