Faust secondo La Fura dels Baus: teatro, opera, cinema


  • Veronica Orazi Torino




Summary: The article focuses on the Catalan theatre group La Fura dels Baus’s works on the myth of Faust. The analysis is based on the drama F@ust versió 3.0 (1998), the free adaptation of Berlioz’s La damnació de Faust (1999), the cyber show Faust Shadow (1999), the movie Fausto 5.0 (2001) and the opera staging of Gounod’s Faust (2014). In its interpretations of the myth, the group recreates it in different artistic dimensions: drama, cyber theatre, lyric opera, cinema. Nevertheless, the study of these productions demonstrates that all of them share some common basic elements: the multifaceted personality of the protagonist, his fragmented perception of himself and reality, a postmodern vision of the Self and life. At the same time, La Fura deepens its investigation on theatre/performance and technology, reaching impressive and groundbreaking results. Keywords: La Fura dels Baus, Catalan contemporary drama, performing arts, cinema, lyric opera, cyber theatre 





Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaft