Un col·loqui poc conegut de Carles Ros


  • Joaquim Martí Mestre València




This paper deals with the philological edition of a literary text by the 18th c. Valencian grammarian and poet Carles Ros i Hebrera, “Paper graciós, discursiu, enfàtic, alusiu i sentenciós per a desfresar-se de llaurador a les carnistoltes”. This text is part of a group of humorous “col∙loquis” which Ros wrote on the occasion of the carnival. This edition is important since this dialogue has not been recorded in any of the compilations and studies of Ros’ works so far, despite belonging to one of the most popular groups of his works. Moreover, it has lately been listed within the lost or impossible to find works by the famous Valencian author. Finally this edition of the text, which entails several variations when compared to the other editions, is different from those mentioned by the bibliographers. The paper also encloses a study on the importance of the literary and linguistic works by Carles Ros, as well as a philological and literary analysis of the text we are editing.
Keywords: Literature, 18th century, València, Carles Ros.




