El teatre d'Àngel Guimerà: un calidoscopi modernista


  • Maridès Soler Trier




Summary: Except for some few critics (Molas, Fàbregas, Marfany, Benet i Jornet, Neumann), who only casually have mentioned the influence of Modernism in Guimerà’s plays, his theatre is usually considered as representative of Romanticism, of the realistic «Costumism» and, as far as his later plays are concerned, of the cosmopolitan Realism. Among all his plays, some, however, can be considered as clearly belonging to Modernism, while others show occasionally some incidences. The Modernist aspects can already be detected at first sight in some titles and in the onomastic elements. Also various characteristic themes for Modernism can be identified, as, for instance, some specific types of women, nature as protagonist, natural and supernatural events, the scenography, music, mysterious surroundings, social problems and in some plays the location of the plot in exotic Oriental countries. [Keywords: Àngel Guimerà, Modernism, Modernist theatre, Catalan theatre 19th / 20th. c., Catalan musical theatre]





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