Un somni de festa modernista: "La santa espina" d'Àngel Guimerà
Summary: Guimerà’s most important plays were written primarily during the epoch of the Catalan Modernisme. Therefore, evident influences of this movement appear to a greater or lesser extent in his theatre works. However, the presence of many such elements in the comedy La santa espina (such as nature, fantasy, religiosity, catalanism and nationalism) argues that this play must be classified as representative of Modernisme. These typical modernistic features can be found in the plot, in the protagonists, in the mysterious settings the action takes place in, as well as in the music by Enric Morera, a Modernist composer, whose melodies, songs and sardanes count among the most important and emblematic in Catalonia of the beginning of the 20th century. [Keywords: Àngel Guimerà; La santa espina; Enric Morera; Modernisme; Catalan music theatre]
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