Europa, Okzitanien und Katalonien: Vom Ende der Zentralstaatsideologie im wirtschaftlich vereinten Europa
The Single European Act seems to imply a unified Europe. But it retains only a remnant of the political goals that Europe had in 1954. The economic goals were dominant. However, the effects can have a positive side: Now that Europe has been living in peace for 43 years, it has become impossible for states to try to divert attention from their internal problems by sending European citizens to war against other European citizens. State structures are implacably unmasked as remnants from by-gone days. States are still struggling to survive, but the economic reality is stronger. The future is organized into trans-state units. The Barcelona-Toulouse-Montpellier space is one of the most important. This Occitan-Catalan space, if fulfilled by modern intelligence, can be a pawn for a creative renewal of spaces in Europe.
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