La difusió de coneixements lingüístics a la ràdio durant el Franquisme: el programa "Dreceres de la nostra llengua", de Ràdio Girona (1973-1975)
Summary: This article aims to analyse and reconstruct the historic broadcast of Dreceres de nostra llengua [Shortcuts to our language], emitted during the 1970s. Promoted by Francina Boris and Enric Frigola with the collaboration of Òmnium Cultural, and written by Albert Jané and Pius Pujades, the segment was aired by Ràdio Girona and other Radio España stations, the former Ràdio Associació de Catalunya, in Barcelona. The program included, in a cheerful way, linguistic content, aimed mainly at polishing the interferences that had entered the Catalan language, as well as information about authors and literary works, music in Catalan and other cultural aspects. Keywords: Dreceres de la nostra llengua, Ràdio Girona, broadcasting, regulations, Catalan language, Francoism
Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel Casals Martorell
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