La literatura a Twitter. Estudi del cas #Diadelllibre
Summary: In recent years, Twitter has gone from being a social network with rather banal content to a powerful channel for the dissemination of information and content promotion. For this reason, in this paper we present the study of some of the data that Séntisis extracted from Twitter about the Sant Jordi Festival (World Book Day & Rose) 2017, which shows a sort of map of place of our book industry. We also offer some ideas about its potential as a space for experimentation with literature and reading, in accordance with the new models of cultural practice proposed by Jenkins (2003 and 2008, with the concept of transmedia and that of participatory culture, respectively) and Scolari (2016, with the idea of the translector), among others. Keywords: Twitter, Book Day, transmedia, reading promotion, participatory culture, translector
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