Alguns marcadors d'oposició en "Diccionari per a ociosos" de Joan Fuster i en les seves traduccions
Summary: This paper analyzes several markers of opposition or contrast in the essay Diccionari per a ociosos (Dictionary for the idle) by Joan Fuster and in its translations to Spanish, English, Italian and French. It adopts a contrastive stylistic perspective that takes into account the genre of this book and studies the discursive construction of the author’s ethos. The paper examines firstly the main concessive constructions (including concessive conditionals) and connectives contained in the essay, contrasting them with the choices made by translators. Later, it includes other oppositive/contrastive discourse markers within the texts examined. Furthermore, it characterizes the degree of grammaticalization reached by these markers in each language. Keywords: Concessive connectives, opposition discourse markers, grammaticalization, translation, Joan Fuster

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