La gramaticalització de 'temps ha': de la noció de 'temps transcorregut' als usos discursius (segles XVI-XX)
Summary: This paper analyses the process of discursivation of time constructions containing the verb haver. These forms were the Old Catalan equivalent of current expressions using the verb fer (e.g. “Fa temps que no et veig”). At the beginning of the Modern Age, some constructs containing haver started to be used in certain contexts from which an intensive pragmatic value may be inferred. According to the occurrences extracted from textual corpora, in current the Catalan language time constructions including haver can only be found in (more or less) saturated constructions used as pragmatic or register markers. Keywords: Old Catalan, Modern Catalan, Contemporary Catalan, corpus linguistics, time determination, grammaticalization, discursive markers, register markers
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