Les fórmules de resposta en català: presència i tractament en els diccionaris monolingües i bilingües català-alemany
Summary: This article examines Catalan formulaic responses, with special focus on those responses conveying an ironic or mocking attitude. 41 items of this set of formulaic expressions are examined to determine their treatment in general-language and in bilingual German-Catalan dictionaries. It is found that they can be divided into three different types: a) responses to general statements; b) responses to formulaic expressions, and c) ironic responses to concrete phrases. The three types receive different lexicographic treatment: type a) is widely present both in general and bilingual dictionaries, type b) less so, while type c) is almost totally absent from dictionaries. It is concluded that this type of expressions merits further study. [Keywords: formulaic expressions, formulaic responses, phraseology, lexicography, Catalan, German]
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