Katalanischer Comic und "movida barcelonesa: La noche de siempre" von Montesol und Ramón de España
Summary: The essay presents the particular importance of Catalonia for the Spanish comic scene. Special attention is paid to the Catalan comic of the 1980s. Since the beginnings of the Ninth Art in Spain, Catalonia has been the editorial and artistic center for comics. During the years between the transition and democracy, the comic became a central means of expression of the movida movement in Catalonia. Barcelona became the creative center of Catalan comic production. A prominent representative of the movida barcelonesa comic is the artist Montesol. Based on the analysis of the album La noche de siempre (1981), the contribution shows the specific features of Catalan comics of the transición and illustrates how Montesol and Ramón de España create an almost documentary and at the same time self-ironic and satirical chronicle of the social and artistic practices of the movida in Barcelona. [Keywords: Adult comic; Catalonia; counterculture / subculture; Spanish transition to democracy; Movida (barcelonesa); underground comix; ligne claire; línia xunga / línea chunga]

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