A propòsit de l'edició de Tintín en alguerès i dels problemes de codificació


  • Andreu Bosch i Rodoreda Barcelona




Summary: Based on the experience of the Maria Montessori Teaching Resources Centre in Alghero, the Algherese adaptation of Tintín al país de l’or negre (Barcelona, 1995; English title: Tintin in the Land of Black Gold), coordinated by the author of the present article, constitutes one of the most successful publications in terms of the creation and utilization of a useful Algherese language model for schools. On the basis of criteria presented in the paper “L’ensenyament del català a l’Alguer i la qüestió del model de llengua” at a meeting of the Philological Section of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in 2000, the model employed applies Catalan spelling standards but, at the same time, is in greater alignment with the Catalan spoken in Alghero from a morphological, lexical and syntactic point of view. The article reflects upon two possible methods of codification, e.g. of Algherese, put forward by the sociolinguist Enrico Chessa who in the process regarded the disparities and differences between spelling and phonetic transcription: on the one hand, the adoption of “Italian spelling to represent sound sequences in Algherese”; and, on the other hand, codification using Catalan spelling with “deviation from the phonemic principle”. Apart from analysing of the language model used and problems posed by Algherese codification, the article pays tribute to the work of Joaquim Ventalló (1899–1996), translator of the Tintin albums from French into Catalan, the basis for the Algherese adaptation of Tintin in the Land of Black Gold. [Keywords: Codification of Algherese; standardisation; dialectal variation; phonetic variation; translation; literary adaptation]




