Reflexions sobre el tractament de la fraseologia catalana en els diccionaris català-alemany (prenent com a exemple unitats amb components religiosos)
Summary: This paper presents a series of reflections on the way Catalan phrases are dealt with in Catalan-German lexicography, while also proposing a set of guidelines for its use in phraseological theory and practice. The hypothesis defended by the author here is that the aim of any dictionary in the field of phraseology should be to provide the idiomatic meaning and use of the phrases. Cognitivism and, above all, pragmatics are discussed as the most important methods that can be used to achieve this goal. Likewise, the paper also highlights the importance of the internet in modern phraseography. [Keywords: Catalan-German phraseography; phraseological theory and practice; idiomatic meaning; cognitivism; pragmatics]
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