Vom Sprechen der Bilder: Variationen visueller Wahrnehmung bei Joan Brossa
Summary: Approaching the works of Joan Brossa from an intermedial perspective, this essay seeks to examine his written experiments within the context of pictorial manifestations and thus intends to draw attention to his almost paradoxical engagement in the mediality of images. Starting out from his poesia visual i objecte, this essay wants to read individual examples as études of visual and written phenomena, as reflected compositions, which also find a paradigmatic expression in the theatre play Concert irregular per a pianista i cantatriu. These diverse border-crossings between image and text are not only relevant with regard to the aesthetics of image and language, but they also seem to question the very nature and character of such distinctions. In drawing attention to the revolving exchange of text and image, the works of Joan Brossa may be understood as an amusing divertimento, which starts again and again in order to reflect on the diversity of these borderzones. [Keywords: Intermediality, mediality of images, diversity of visual and written phenomena, aesthetics of visual perception, poesia visual, poesia objecte, theatre]
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