Rhetorik im Dienste nationaler Mythenbildung. Zu Vertextungsstrategien und Funktionen des Pyrenäenmotivs in Jacint Verdaguers "Canigó"
The research literature on one of the most famous literary texts of the Catalan Renaixença, the verse epic Canigó, repeatedly alludes to the symbolic and identity establishing function of the Pyrenees in the context of the development of the Catalan national consciousness in the 19th century. Unlike the interpretations of the Pyrenees motive, that are based on both the dramatic art of the plot and the context when the work was created, the contribution concentrates on analysing the linguistic-stylistic strategies of textualisation of this motive-complex. Taking into account the semantic implications of the Pyrenees-metaphoric in other works by this author, his aim is to develop superordinated categories for the rhetoric varieties of the motive and to highlight their text inherent functions.
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