La variable morfosintàctica del subjuntiu a Bovera
The object of this article is the study of subjunctive mood forms in the north-western Catalan dialect of Bovera (Garrigues area). This dialect has traditional verbal forms both in the present subjunctive and in the past subjunctive which morphologically diverge considerably from Standard (i.e. north-eastern) Catalan but due to schooling and media, this Standard Catalan morphology affects the traditional dialect forms and tends to replace them. The data of this study, which has been collected through questionnaire tasks and was supplemented by conversational data, analyses the morphological paradigms and the distribution of individual forms in correlation with various linguistic (morphological and syntactic) and selected sociolinguistic factors. Special attention is devoted to the use of mixed subjunctive forms, i.e. forms which combine Standard Catalan personal endings with non-standard (dialectal or analogically constructed) stems.
Copyright (c) 2002 Olga Cubells
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