Estudi lèxic de la "Poesia Escènica" de Joan Brossa. Anàlisi de les concordances
This paper studies the structure of the lexicon in the prolific poetic work of Joan Brossa (1919-1998) by applying corpus-linguistic methodology for the analysis of his literary and visual poetry and, particularly, to his poesia escènica, i.e. to his theatre plays. Through the analysis of frequencies and collocations found in concordances of Brossa’s texts, it is shown that his most productive and prominent vocabulary belongs to the semantic fields of nature and the human body. Furthermore, the various creative processes and strategies used by the author and playwright in his ludic approach to the semiotic triangle of designation, concept and reference are detailed and illustrated. In following this empirical methodology, the study is able to confirm important findings concerning the style of Brossa which have beensuggested in previous, interpretation-based literary studies on this important avant-gardist author.
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