La metodologia de l'enquesta dialectal d'A. M. Alcover i de F. de B. Moll aplicada a "La flexió verbal en els dialectes catalans"
On the basis of various works published in the Bolletí del Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana and using the original records of the field work from the years 1906 to 1928, the criteria with which Alcover and Moll collected the data for La flexió verbal en els dialectes catalans are shown. This approach shows, on the one hand, the influence of the methodological considerations of Bernhard Schädel while, on the other hand, Alcover develops an independent criterion for the selection of informants when he asks young people between the ages of 10 and 14, since the top criterion is the lack of Castilian presence, which in the case under examination is only guaranteed up to this very age.
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