About the Journal

MARE NOSTRUM serves as a forum for scientific essays that emerge from seminar papers or essays on all topics of Mediterranean Studies. In this way, the e-journal aims to provide lecturers with a didactic tool that transcends faculty boundaries, enabling professional publication of results from project seminars or new teaching/learning formats such as publication workshops, and giving students the opportunity of a first publication.

A regulated peer review procedure does not take place. Nevertheless, all contributions to MARE NOSTRUM are subject to quality control. The editorial board therefore reserves the right to decide whether to accept manuscripts for the journal. If necessary, revisions will be suggested to the authors. Thematic issues are usually edited by lecturers who supervise the production of student contributions as part of their course and subject them to an initial check.

The editorial staff of MARE NOSTRUM will be happy to advise you in all steps of the production of articles or thematic issues. Editorial work begins with the submission of the finished manuscript including all illustrations. After completion of the work and approval by the author, the article is made available as an open access version on the journal's platform. Each contribution will receive a DOI. A publication in print will not take place.