Abús i empoderament: "La dama de Reus", sis recreacions d'una cançó popular
Summary: This article studies six contemporary re-creations of the folk song known – among other titles – as La dama de Reus or Capitel∙lo. The textual dialogue created by the rewriting reveals the respect that all the writers have for the elements of the plot
and some of the formal features of the oral text. At the same time, all the writers manage to leave their own individual mark on the text, which depends on the period, their style and their own ideological interests. The article also analyses other recreations of the topic based on other cultured texts rather than on the folk song. From this basis, the article also discusses the myth and the legend in terms of the interest they awoke in the romantics and other subsequent writers.
Keywords: re-writing, legend, myth, folk song.
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