Evolució i procés de gramaticalització del marcador discursiu 'noresmenys' en català antic
Summary: This work studies the grammaticalization process of the counter-argumentative connector noresmenys from its origin as a quantifying adverb to the current value of concessive discourse marker, from the 13th to the 18th century. Within the framework of Cognitive Grammar, especially of Grammaticalization Theory and of the latest contributions around Construction Grammar, we explain the evolution of the concessive connector, paying special attention to the Theory of Argumentation and the dynamics of the Theory of Intersubjectification. With a vision of language and language change rooted in use, in this case, metadiscursive use, we carry out a revision of the conceptual sources and values of noresmenys documented in legal, administrative, epistolary and religious Catalan texts. Keywords: Noresmenys, grammaticalization, counter-argumentation, scalarity, intersubjectification, Construction grammar, concessivity
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