Algunes reflexions sobre la disposició textual d'un cançoner barroc (BLM, ms. 68). Per a una lectora: un llibre-ofrena i un testament literari
Summary: The aim of this study is to analyse Francesc Fontanella’s lyrical collection in BLM ms. 68. This testimony contains headings and a manuscript layout by the author, which allows us to understand its poetry in a new way. Divided in several parts, the first one is devoted to drama; the second one follows a chronological layout (on the one hand, poetry made in Barcelona; on the other, poetry written in Perpignan); finally, there is a collection of verse only for Gileta. Fontanella’s manuscript layout in BLM ms. 68 should help us understand the poetic arrangement of other lyrical collections of Catalan baroque and of the Spanish Golden Age poetry. [Keywords: Francesc Fontanella; lyrical collection; manuscript layout; catalan baroque; Spanish Golden Age]
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