Sobre catalanismes al turc baixmedieval
Summary: The social and cultural frame which enabled the Catalan language to play a central role in the Mediterranean area between the 13th and the 15th century can also explain several problematic aspects related to the history of its different languages – of course not only of the Romance languages. This paper must be seen in the context of our research in the literary Catalan culture towards the Low Medieval Age, and presents a revisited view on the Roman loanwords in Turkish and on the linguistic contact between both languages. Several terms in particular must be classified as direct borrowings from Catalan. Methodologically, attention will be paid first of all to the phonomorphological analysis of the variants attested in the different Romance languages, in order to establish the origin of the corresponding terms in Turkish. Turkish loanwords attested in Catalan and Spanish contemporary texts will also be examined in order to verify our theory. [Keywords: Catalan-German dictionaries; Italian lexicography; history of printing].
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