Die Überlieferungstradition von Aphorismen "vom Freund und dem Geliebten" des Ramon Llull in deutscher Sprache im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
Summary: Since the beginning of the 20th century, a new interest has arisen in the Catalan encyclopedist Ramon Llull, who lived at the turn of the 14th century. This new interest has become manifest in a new critical edition of his works and in editions of his novels and the mystical verses of the lover and the beloved that were translated into several European languages. The new academic interest also resulted in the foundation of institutes at the universities of Barcelona and Freiburg. This study aims to show that there have been German translations of the Aphorisms of the lover and the beloved since the middle of the 18th century that have been almost entirely neglected by scholars dealing with Ramon Llull. Translations of fragments of the above-mentioned work were done by Gerhard Tersteegen (1697–1769) and Gotthard Ludwig Theobul Kosegarten (1758–1818); the first complete translation by a roman-catholic priest in Bavaria, Nikolaus Casseder (1767–1823), dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. [Keywords: Llull, Tersteegen, Kosegarten, Casseder, Llibre d’amic e amat]
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