Schelling i Maragall: vida a l'art i a la paraula
Eugeni Trias and Lluis Quintana have shown in their preliminary analysis, similarities between the thought of F. W. J. Schelling and J. Maragall. The aim of this paper is to present these in more detail. Parallelisms and coincidences are multiple and are repeated by many romantic and idealistic authors. Schelling and Maragall belong to this group; therefore, it does not seem necessary, nor interesting, to verify these direct influences between them. My aim is to show, in a common context, some particular analogies between a few texts by Schelling and Maragall: how art and words are born in the soul, how the work of art is alive, the relationship between life and the absolute one, the pace of life and so on. There are numerous fragments where we can find these topics with their entire significance, their depth and their beauty.
Keywords: Maragall, Schelling, Romanticism, art, aesthetics, beauty, soul, art alive.
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